Small groups __________ January 2025
Matt & Kali Greenfield- Habits of the Household- (Co-ed Parenting Group)
Sundays at Elevation at 4pm $15- Childcare Provided for a Small Fee
Discover simple habits and easy-to-implement daily rhythms that
will help you find meaning beyond the chaos of family life as you
create a home where kids and parents alike practice how to love
God and each other.
Bob & Kim LaPearle- The Book of Philippians (co-Ed Group)
Sundays at Elevation at 4pm $10-Childcare Provided for a Small Fee
One of the most joyful books ever written came from a man facing
imminent execution in prison. The apostle Paul’s letter to the
church at Philippi shimmers with the words joy,
glad, and rejoice. In this guide, you will learn from one who faced
supernatural evil as well as every kind of human problem–and yet
could say, “Rejoice in the Lord always, and again, I say, Rejoice!”
Faye Point & Linda Peterson-Search For Significance (Woman's Group)
Sundays at Elevation at 4 pm Childcare Provided for a Small Fee
We are all searching for significance to ourselves, to others, to
our community and to our world. Discover what three million
readers have already discovered: that true significance is found
only in Christ. Robert McGee's bestselling book has helped
millions of readers learn how to be free to enjoy Christ's love
while no longer basing their self-worth on their accomplishments
or the opinions of others. In fact, Billy Graham said that it was a
book that "should be read by every Christian."
Madison Lambert-Journaling through the Bible (Women’s Group)
Sundays and Thursdays 1pm-3pm
Meet at Marble Coffee Co.
In this study we will work together to go through the Bible
making this book God has given us into a Bible that is
Joe & Joanna King The Book of James- (Co-Ed Group)
Sunday’s at 5pm- $0
Meets @ their home
We will dig into the book of James and what God says
about living our lives for Him. We will have dinner and a
time of fellowship together each week.
Shaina Delker -Praying through the Psalms- (Women’s Group)
Mondays at Elevation at 6 pm. $16
The Bible tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 "pray without
ceasing."But if we’re honest, that often feels impossible.
Prayer can seem like a language to learn or a puzzle to solve,
and everyone else appears to know how to do it "the right way"
except you.
The book of Psalms is filled with prayers God has graciously
given us to show it is possible to pray without ceasing — but
only if we let go of our impossible ideas about how we're
"supposed to" feel, what we're "supposed to" say, and where
we're "supposed to" be when we come to Him.
Jacie Brush & I want to Trust You, but I Don’t (Women’s Group)
Monday’s at Elevation at 6 pm $16
Trust is the oxygen of all human relationships. But it's also what
trips you up after you've been burned. Maybe a friend constantly
lets you down. A leader or organization you respect turns out to
be different than they portray themselves to be. A spouse cheats
on you. A family member betrays you. You're exhausted by other
people's choices and starting to question your own discernment.
And you're wondering,If God let this happen, can he even be
Edgar & Tiffany Garcia-Digging Deeper into the Sermon- (Co-ed Group)
Tuesdays at Elevation 7 pm $0
This group will recap, study, and dig deeper into the weekly
Elevation Church sermons.
Questions, discussion and community will be the heartbeat of
this group.
Roger Dayton- Life of Christ (Co-Ed Group)
Thursdays at Elevation at 12:00 pm $0
Bring your lunch and eat while Roger goes in-depth and teaches
you about the Life of Jesus. This core passion of Roger's will
enlighten, encourage and entertain you as you enjoy your lunch
with fellow learners. Come and go as you need to; this group is
designed to fit into your schedule.
Bree Jones & Elizabeth Garbutt-Healing What’s Within - (Women’s Group)
Fridays at Elevation at 9 am $18 Childcare Provided for a Small Fee
We can’t always control what happens to us. But we can discover how to heal the hidden hurt it leaves behind. If you’re like many of us, you carry a weight of buried pain. Despite looking put together on the outside, you feel secretly fractured within. While you appear strong and resilient on the outside, inside a storm brews of all the ways you’ve been hurt or harmed. There’s a constant churn of unprocessed feelings of shame, anger, grief, or loneliness. And your body tells the story of its struggles in a myriad of aches and ailments. Little by little, you find yourself becoming disconnected from who you truly are. Not knowing what to do with your suffering and fearing you'll be hurt
again, you’ve learned to cope, to numb and suppress the ache within.
Rachel Merrill & Kennedy Neale- Never Unfriended (Women's Group)
Fridays at Elevation at 9:00 am $15 Childcare Provided for a Small Fee
In a world where women can unfriend each other with the swipe
of a finger, how do we find friendships that we can trust to last?
Maybe by first becoming those kinds of lasting friends ourselves. As the community manager at the website since
2010, Lisa-Jo Baker has had the chance to engage hundreds of
conversations with women about friendship. She’s learned that no
one can make us quite as unsure about ourselves as another woman. And nothing can wound as deeply as unkind words from a friend. While we are all hungry for friendship, it’s the fear of feeling awkward and being rejected, left out, or hurt (again) that
often keep us from connecting.
Jake Fields & Jacob Mendivil-The Book of Hebrews- (Men’s Group)
Saturdays at 8:00 am
We will be digging into the Book of Hebrews verse by
verse and going through the book together. This will be a
time of discipleship, prayer, fellowship and encouraging
one another.
Mark Hansen & Wally Long- “Knowing God. Knowing Manhood”(Men’s Discipleship Group)
Mondays at Elevation at 6:00 pm $8
This group will be using Daily Bread Booklets and learning
how to lead their families as Christ asks of them. It will be
a small group of men being discipled and growing
Peyton & Emily Hathaway- College Students (Co-Ed Group)
Sundays at 7pm
Call or Text Peyton for details
Joel Leischner Peyton Hathaway, & Bree Jones- The Jesus I Wish I Knew in High School- (Co-Ed)
Sundays at Elevation Church from 10-11:00 am.
The pressure of being a teenager can be overwhelming. School,
sports, jobs, and relationships all press in at the same time. But
the hardest thing can be feeling alone, that you have no one to
share your most difficult problems with. In The Jesus I Wish I
Knew in High School, thirty authors from many different
backgrounds come together to say, “We get it―and Jesus gets it
too. Here’s who Jesus is and how he wants to meet you in this
intense time.”
Gilbert & Mary Kay-PAR- Power of Abundant Recovery-
Monday’s at Elevation at 6pm $0
PAR is a Christ-Centered Recovery Group that meets weekly to
help those who struggle with addictions. PAR equips believers in
the body of Christ for victory over addiction, through the three-fold
synergy a Christ-centered program of action, an internet-based
support community, and a network of genuine addiction recovery
support groups, both onsite and online.
Virginia Power & LaVie Health- Forgiven & Free-
Tuesday’s at 6:00 pm (Begins January 21 st ) Group Meets at Lavie Health $0
No matter what influences a woman to end pregnancy, the
physical, psychological, and spiritual side effects are real and not
always anticipated. Feelings of guilt, shame, and grief become a
heavy burden, and many women feel that they will never be free,
that no one understands, that God will never forgive them. But
there is hope.
Donna Barnard & Paula McKenna-Talking with My Father- (Women’s Group)
Fridays at 9:00 am at Elevation
We don't need to be told that prayer is important. We know that
an intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father cannot be
maintained if we don't talk to Him. Why, then, do we so often fail
to do so? And why, when we do, don't we see the results we long
for? Ray Stedman shows us the obvious answer: We have not
been really praying.
Mark Hansen & Linda Peterson- Prayer Group-
Wednesdays at Elevation at 10 am $0
Meet for corporate prayer to pray for those who attend
Elevation Church and pray for the requests we get
throughout the week. Praying together as the Body of
Christ is so important in our walk with the Lord. Come pray
with us.
Peyton Hathaway- Student Ministry
Ministry-Wednesday nights at Elevation from 6:30-8 pm $0
This is for Students in 6 th - 12 th grades. We provide dinner
for everyone between 6:00-6:30 pm. Then Youth Group
begins at 6:30 pm. Students will have Small Group
Leaders that get to know them on a personal level and
invest in them. The teenage years are so important in
building a strong foundation in their walk with Jesus.